Evolutionary Astrology

Holistic Coaching

Spiritual Tarot

Welcome to

Vivat Crescat Floreat ~holistic studio


Hello 🙂 I’m Cindy Figueroa,
professional holistic consultant,  multi-passionate creative, and mystical arts nerd. My intention is to share with you the best of my practices in Astrology, Tarot, Wellness and Coaching.

I love connecting with you here! This space is dedicated to the magic of your being and to invite you to discover tools of light to create a life you love with harmony, inspiration and wellbeing.

You have within you the same divine intelligence that makes seeds grow, rivers flow, and planets spin. The entire cosmos flows within you. This is your sacred moment: here and now!
Remember you are magic, abundance, and love.
Live your Light!
I welcome you, Shining Soul!

“On a day when the wind is perfect,

the sail just needs to open

and the world is full of beauty.

Today is such a day.”


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